Here are 6 reasons not to buy an automower (robomower). For those of you have already decided that you would never get one of these, this may just cement your decision. For those of you who are considering getting a RoboMower these are things that are outside of the ordinary that go beyond initial cost and set up.

Two full seasons in and I am very happy with my purchase. There are some inconveniences that some people may find to be too much to handle. So here I want to give you an honest look at what I have been dealing with, and the overall result that you can expect to get.

There are so many new entries into the Robomowing market and I have no doubt that they are here to stay. Brands like TORO, Husqvarna, Mammotion, DeWalt and soon Ryobi. What do you think of this movement? Is this something that you can get behind? Do you feel that they have a long way to go? let me know your thoughts.

Contact: answers@lawncology.com
Website: www.lawncology.com
Fertilizers and soil amendments that is use:

Camera: Sony fx30
EZFLO fertigation:
Entry level automower
My husqvarna 315x automower
Hudson star reel mower www.Hudson starshop.com
Irrigreen smart sprinkler system: www.irrigreen.com USE CODE LAWNCOLOGY AT CHECKOUT for a discount.
Oregon blade dethatching mower blade
Sunjoe battery dethatcher

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48 thoughts on “6 reasons NOT TO BUY AN AUTOMOWER 2 year REVIEW”

  1. I share some of your sentiments, and unfortunately got taken an bought an expensive piece of crap call luba awd 5000. It worked for about a month with constant updates but does not recognize new satellite positioning and does not leave the station with absolutely no tech support from a new company with no history call Mammotion. Save your money and wait till a bona-fida company comes up with a test proven product not a one time over-hype wonder like Luba which makes future boat anchors. BTW I have sent them screenshots, app feedback and satellite info and they have no tech experts to analyse details and you have no phone support and wait 4 hours for a chat with someone who could not screw in a light bulb properly. Avoid Luba junk like a plague.

  2. Robot lawn mowers are a great idea. So much better than hiring a lawn mowing service, or doing it yourself for a beautifully manicured lawn. To minimize my personal time spent on lawn care, I installed a flat 6" wide edge of bricks, concrete, and mulch around the periphery of, and level with, the lawn so that the mower's wheels can ride on the surface of the edging. Hand trimming of uncut grass around the periphery of the lawn is eliminated. I have a Mammotion YUKA RTK/GPS mower.

  3. Straight Lines:
    I had a 450X for 2 years, and upgraded last year to 550 EPOS which does do line straights. I thought the 450 was good, but the 550 takes it to the next level. The straight lines mean it completely mows every part of the lawn each time. Mine are configured at a 45 deg angle checker board pattern, which looks nice and natural from the house, but you can see the impressive perfect lines as you walk down the lawn.
    Depending upon model, you might have the option to adjust the drive over distance for the boundary wire.
    Docking Station:
    have you tried providing a flush surface either side of the docking station? Mine is positioned on my lawn.

  4. I have a 430 X and 2500 square meters of grass with lots of trees and walkways and a little hilly. For three years it has taken care of the grass and absolutely fantastic without any problems whatsoever. Definitely the best investment I've made and worth every penny. But it's clear that if you skimp and buy something that isn't made for the square footage you have, it won't work!

  5. I use a Flymo 800 robotic mower.

    No problem whatsoever.

    Cuts very nicely for three or four hours each day.

    It is not made to cut or drive into heavy grass.

    Charging station never a problem.

    Some fantastic brands out there including Landroid or if You want cable free Ambroigo or Segway.

  6. I’m wondering if you’re docking issues has to do with the location of the charging station. Your lawn slopes down to the unit, the user manual advises 6ft of straight guide wire to approach and fit the station on level ground. You have your station level but the guide wire is not level for 6ft. Some models also rely on a signal from the station which could be line of sight for the 6ft. Something to consider. I know these things can be very annoying when issues arise.

  7. As a prospective automatic lawn mower buyer, I'm not sure what to make of this video. It seems to me that these problems that you're having, albeit minor, are specific to the make and model that you purchased. Are you sure that these points can be generalized on most models out there in the market that I would have to consider?

  8. The reasons for not having ones seem to only be your complete ignorance of how to actually operate the mower and the very simple app. I'm thinking it's a complete click bait video so big thumbs down

  9. For a garden that size, a 315x is way too small. Rule of thumb for any robomower: the advertised surface in the specs should be double (or more) of the size of your garden. This avoids the mower having to go and charge before it did cover the complete garden taking it very long to mow.
    Fir the spiral cutting: that is something you can switch off, and for the borders, you can let it cross the cable a bit further to get also the borders cut. The noise you mention: it is normal. And way more silent than a mower with a fuel engine. For the struggling: this is quite a slope. This is one of their smaller versions of mowers.
    For the issues for getting stuck: husqvarna has a 4WD model too. I assume that one never gets stuck due to the 4 big wheels. I personally have a 450x and it does my garden (which is bigger than what I saw in the video) in just a couple of hours. So it is not mowing 24/7 due to the dual battery system in it. The engine is also much more powerful than the one in the 315x, so no issues on steeper slopes. Is it possible that the model you are using is just a bit underdimensioned for what you want it to do?

  10. Our ride-on was at end of life… i hate taking time away from something else to spend the better part of s day mowing, and ome of these was better than what a comparable ride-on would be.

    Easy decision

  11. Dude, you’re great to watch man, great personality.😂 I don’t ever say that about another dude, but I have to admit man, you’re funny dude. I personally am gonna try to be more like that. That’s funny.

  12. i got one reason why you should buy an automower: it mows my grass every day, i'm on a half acre and i have this same mower, it works great. been running it for like 3 or 4 years now. the only thing that has worn out at this point is the battery, which was easy to replace and i'm about ready for a new battery again.
    ps: i'm not gonna watch this video just so i can see you tell me 6 reasons why i shouldn't buy something that's awesome…

  13. I have a 2 1/2 acre lot and have been using two of the 450xh models for going on 6 years now. The PRO's are pretty obvious. The CON's will depend on your lawn contour, obstacles, weather and usage. My best advice to anyone interested in purchasing one is to find a reputable dealer who will come out to your home and assess your situation. This probably isn't something you want to purchase online and setup yourself. The dealer should be able to set you up with the best model for your lawn, and give you insights as to what the CONs will be prior to purchase. The dealer I used set everything up with no hassle. Though I've had my share of problems with the automowers, I would never go back to using a standard walk-behind or riding lawnmower.

  14. I've had my Husqvarna Solar Hybrid for over 11 years now.. It has no apps or anything. And it has been moving like a champ! The biggest problems I've had is when the cabel around the lawn break somewhere, that is a pain in the ass. If you can't find the problem you will have to put down a whole new cabel… That part sucks!

  15. Thanks for the review! I have a 1 acer yard, mostly random weeds. If I cut it all short, will a robot lawn mower be able to mow the whole yard? Or is it too big? Thanks!

  16. Another down side is if you live where it’s wet. Not usually a problem where I live, but the last month it’s been wet and both my mowers have dug trenches in my lawn, which only get worse if you don’t address them.

  17. I've heard good things about the Mammotion Luba Robot Lawn Mower. I say with these kinds of mowers, it would depend on both the brand and the model (the Luba 5000 looks like it's the ***t!).

  18. I know nothing about these but i have a walkway it would have to go over is it capable of going over it and what model do you have or do you know of better ones that may have come out since getting yours?Thankyou!

  19. I'm beginning my 6th season with my Husqvarna Automower. It works perfectly once set up and dialed in, which is pretty easy. High-tech stuff isn't for everybody – my grandma thinks it's silly – "just hire someone to mow your lawn," she says or "don't be so lazy & cut it yourself!" But I'd rather spend time golfing or boating than worrying about mowing and getting all tired, sweaty. & smelly. She said the same thing about my mom's first dishwasher. Grandpa hated automatic transmissions and air conditioning. Ah, well – to each his own.

  20. 7:45 mark… is it really "mowing every single day of the week"? seems like a lot. not sure i want that little guy running around my yard all the time, and i'm sure my dog wouldn't like it either

  21. I live on a farm, and not having to cut grass saves me hours per week. You bought the entry model and want to generalize the entire industry, like buying a Prius and saying cars don't go fast.

  22. Looks like you have a crappy model. I have a 450X and it has been fantastic. And you had it for two years and never saw it do a spiral? Do you ever go outside? The spiral is used to clean up high spots in the yard.

    But hey, looks like you need to grab that snapper 18" pusher and get to work. A few of those mowings and those little razor blades might not be so bad.

  23. I'm considering buying one for our garden that will be laid next month. In the plan the lawn will also go half around the house. Next to the house and in front it narrows to more paths of grass. I was wondering if you think most robomowers would be able to tackle this more complex layout (and find their way back) or if I need to look out for "smart" mowers with GPS? Any suggestions?

  24. I have a automower 405x. Mine is an urban lawn. Front yard is about 40 sqm with moderate slopes of 20% incline. It digs in constantly and stalls. It digs into the soil about 30 times a day. So I need to constantly rescue it. I would say husqvarna is pretty junk and time for house robot mowers to solve this problem. I am keen to try the ecovacs goat. Looks promising.

  25. I've had my Husqvarna 430x for 5 years now.

    Only negatives on my end:

    – Maximum lawn height is too short.

    – Buried line becomes an issue if you don't have a fence and your neighbors have their lawn aerated.

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