10 TIPS your lawn needs RIGHT NOW.

10 tips for your lawn this summer to have the healthiest greenest lawn with less water and less work. Here is everything I do to keep my lawn green in the heat of the summer and never have it suffer.

HYDR8 liquid:

HYDR8 Granular:

Irrigreen smart sprinkler system:

Contact: answers@lawncology.com
Website: www.lawncology.com
Fertilizers and soil amendments that is use:

Camera: Sony fx30
EZFLO fertigation:
Entry level automower
My husqvarna 315x automower
Hudson star reel mower www.Hudson starshop.com
Irrigreen smart sprinkler system: www.irrigreen.com/discount/lawncology
Oregon blade dethatching mower blade
Sunjoe battery dethatcher

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38 thoughts on “10 TIPS your lawn needs RIGHT NOW.”

  1. All great points and hope people watching this video understand it takes a lot for their lawns to look like yours. All depends on their location, grass type, what level their lawn is at present time, how much effort are they willing to put into it and their expectations. Rome was not built in a day.

  2. I just moved into a new house. Many of your videos is on maintenance. Is there a video on best practices for taking out the small growths that aren't grass? Is it just by hand? Looks like weeds and seedlings

  3. My lawn has pretty much only had microgreene and humic12 this year. About 3 rounds of it so far and put down 3/4lb N in the early Spring. Looks fantastic. I need to get ahold of some Hydr8.

  4. I've been watering at 6pm when my water company says it' okay to do. Denver Water says we have water pipe scouring at 5am in Denver from too many sprinklers turning on, so I moved to evenings. I think this evening time regime is working out b/c it allows long for water to uptake and penetrate compared to watering in the morning and the sun bakes off the moisture by 11am. I know some people will say beware of fungus, but humidity must be too low and it hasn't happened yet.

  5. Only issue i have is lack of water since rain keeps missing us and water restrictions. It does look pretty good still though by using wetting agents and soil amendments. Cutting at 1.25" with bermuda

  6. Great video JP! I have a friend/ co-worker that always says to me that he wants his yard to look more like mine, and by no means am I saying that mine is always great, but then when I start going through all the steps I take and products of Green county that I use the response is “F that! Sounds like a ton of money and time spent just to have grass?! “ to which I respond it’s a labor of love, but I have zero weeds, or crabgrass and I water two to three times a week and it’s been hot here and my yard is still a nice green! Thanks as always JP!

  7. I live in the NE in CT and we are in a heat wave, temps between 85-95, is this too hot to blanket spray a weed control. i did not get down prodiomene and the weeds are coming in with the heat.

  8. I'm totally feeling #9. Underestimating how much fertilizer my lawn needed has caused issues.

    There is some research suggesting not to slow down on the fertilizer in the summer, especially in regards to disease. Something along the lines of continuing to push the fertilizer will help it resist disease.

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