In this video we give information about the different colors and types of drive wheels available for Automowers currently used in North America. We start by separating the different drive wheels by size to make things easier. The large diameter drive wheels are what is used on the 430X, 430XH, 450X, 450XH, 520, 520H, 550, 550H, and on the front of the 435X & 535 AWD models. The options in large diameter drive wheels are an orange or gray wheel with standard tread, the black all terrain wheel, or the gray all terrain wheel while supplies last. The smaller diameter drive wheels are used on the 310, 315, 315X, 415X, and on the back of the 435X & 535 AWD models. These smaller wheels are available in orange or gray with standard tread, or the gray all terrain wheel with the metal weight ring inside it.
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Will any of the terrain wheels fit a 115h? I’m curious as to what will keep it from working if they’re the same diameter
do they sell larger diameter wheels for the 435X to get increased mowing height?
Cleaning mine this spring I noticed the dust cap was loose, took it odd and cleaned and noticed the snaps were shot, saw the three holes in the wheel for the screws so I just measured and drilled three holes added screws and it back up and running for another 10,000 miles
is there any chance for you to ship to Norway?
Wish they has a wider wheel for my 450x. Mine gets bogged down some times in the Ditch when it is damp/wet