I tried 3HG before but because of her’s weapon INT is too long so I go for unga bunga Aqua Jet BS like in old CBJP
Just build her DMG to the max with 3GG for high DMG in one hit because she not has guard to use like other moe bot ,stay to combo too long and she will gone.
And C.S. piz translate her’s weapon, it’s seem she has a 99DMG reduce but I still not figure it out how to trigger it D:.
Song Name : Spring Emotion (Fate Grand Order OST.) ,Sakura punch ,Tech N Tech (Blue Archive OST.)
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4:09 how can you get that shield??? Look like Ivis..
0:22 how do you get that glory pennant?
As expected of the kendama lol
(Nice Senchou flag btw)