“What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine!” Pepo said probably DX
A little thief (with some part not little) got rework too like other moe bot ,so don’t pay attention about her’s Pumpkin Missile description because it’s her’s old feature (look how lazy C.S. is) and sadly she cannot do a ninja thing anymore when use her’s pumpkin decoy (her’s old feature if u are curious
Her’s Pumpkin Missile is still good but don’t think she can out damage any real DPS ,Gunner is still not her’s job.
Now look at her’s Lickerstick here ,it’s very powerful then it’s look and base “120Range” is very far for a melee (more range than vulcan type weapon ,piz buff vulcan lol).
Only her’s melee final hit and wonder bit can make target precious item drop and if the target use personal item from shop ,it’s still create a 30 hp candy for u (but only 1 per target).
Btw u can try 3GG on her’s stick if u like high DMG (it can go to 90-100) ,it’s up to ur playstyle.
P.S. almost die many time heh ,thk to little melfi here :).
Song Name : Spring Wind Skylark (Atelier Sophie OST.) ,It’s All Uphill From Here (Atelier Ryza 2 OST.)
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I'm impressed by the amount of luck you had at 5:27 for escaping it without dying lol
You still have the Alcy skin you used back in 2014? The red and black one with Eve face. The link you had for the skin in those old videos is dead.
I didn’t expect that Pepo can play like this
Lunastasia is in gacha right?
Hum mine is float dash and fly based. with boost run. I tuned her guns instead xD