Check out a mowing collection video of Luba working in different environments with excellent performance.
Learn more about Luba AWD series:
LUBA AWD 5000:
LUBA AWD 3000:
LUBA AWD 1000:
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What is the maximum distance between the lawn mower and the antenna?
Does it need to be the line of sight between the two?
What is the expected lifetime of the battery?
Another Kickstarter? Start shipping product, until then I'll just watch.
I've asked this before but when is it available in Ireland. And yes I've joined on Kickstarter. Will there be any offers or is this just click bait?
Will there be an extension cable for the RTK antenna or a way to power it separately? I will need to locate It high at a separate location.
waar kan ik de app downloaden?? niet bij google en niet bij Apple????
What happens when batter dies after a few years? Will the battery be removable? And also, i thought, can you make so that robot can swap battery on its own instead of recharging? Could improve work time a lot.
Take my money so I can take back my weekends.