Landroid: A New Era Of Robot Mowing

The Landroid, which ushered in a new era of robotic lawn mowing, simultaneously proved its worth at #CES2023.

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15 thoughts on “Landroid: A New Era Of Robot Mowing”

  1. Price is fair for early adoption and momentum. It will come down quick. I’ll keep pushing the green works for 2023 but kudos for getting this going. I’ll be back.

  2. Buongiorno…se ho dei percorsi pedonali di piastrelloni che attraversano il giardino a filo d'erba, il robot può essere impostato per passarci tranquillamente sopra? Altrimenti sarebbe un grosso problema per raggiungere le varie zone del giardino. Grazie

  3. You said I can schedule it at night and wake up to a perfectly manicured lawn… Unless that thing is whisper quiet, that seems a good way to piss off the entire neighborhood.

  4. I wonder if it will be able to be activated with Google assistant. I like my roborock. I tell it to clean living room from my smart watch and it does it. I don't even have to be home.

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