All robot mowers can do is travel back and forth within an area that’s either restricted by a wire, or satellite coordinates. Not that clever. We gave Landroid Vision the gift of sight.
Jump into the future of unmanned mowing vehicles.

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18 thoughts on “LANDROID VISION”

  1. When is release date for this machine in europe/germany?

    It is water resistant like the old version?

    Do you offer an upgrade path for the older addon-style mowers with ultra sonnic ears to add some hardware with camera and light?

  2. Buongiorno, ho visto che il robot riconosce l'erba e cambia direzione quando non c'è. Avendo diversi piastrelloni come passaggi pedonali all'interno del giardino, come posso fare per permettere al robot di oltrepassarli e gestire tutte le zone in autonomia? Altrimenti sarebbe un problema… grazie

  3. Hello Worx Team, is there a possibilty to be part of beta testing? I use Worx Landroid since 5 years and I am electrical Design Engineer and could do some testing on my lawn in Germany. Would be happy to hear from you! Thank you! Regards, Andreas

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