TOP 3 Reasons WHY I am Using a HUSQVARNA AUTOMOWER This Year

Reasons to use a Husqvarna Automower…. well at least one of the reasons may be pretty obvious but this video is more just an introduction to my automower and kind of an announcement that I have joined the robot lawn mower club! These robot lawn mowers have interested me for a while but I met a guy from at GIE this year and he showed me some pictures of his bermuda lawn cut at half an inch with his automower and it was pretty impressive! Brett Goodyear says that he doesn’t have to mow basically at all since he put his robot mower out so I’m thinking this could help out big time with my lawncare this year! We shall see!

#automower #robotmower #husqvarna

music from

Tennessee on my mind (instrumental) – Will Harrison

On a Cloud (instrumental) – Garden Friend

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43 thoughts on “TOP 3 Reasons WHY I am Using a HUSQVARNA AUTOMOWER This Year”

  1. I have 2 315 series Husquvarna mowers, this is my 2nd year, both work great, during late July,and august I put a little growth regulator on it just to help out a little bit, 3/4 inch tif tuff Bermuda, best my lawn has ever looked. 10,000 sf.

  2. I have over $100,000 Husqvarna lawnmowers on over 20 acres they are the biggest piece of junk in the world all I do is fix them, I would never buy these again….. total crap

  3. Excellent review

    I need a robot mower for my small lawn that climb a hill and make some transitions from sidewalk to grass which is the hill I'm talking about. Is there anyway I could email you some pictures for your honest advice if this robot would work or not?


  4. Will say the one thing you will miss with using the auto mower is the straight mowed lines and stripes as it just goes haphazard all over the place, if you can live with that its amazing

  5. Very cool! No one ever got to the end of their life and wished they had spent more time in the yard. As a father of adult children I can tell you first hand it goes by way too fast. Proud of you for making your family a priority.

  6. Next video sponsored by bushnell. 🤣🤣
    As a father of twins it does get hard to find time with all the projects we have going on. Excited to see if this helps.

  7. I tried one last year. Hated it!! Such a random pattern that the whole lawn is never mowed. Also it ripped up my stolons. Lawn went from pristine to nasty in mere days.
    Back to the jd 260sl for me

  8. DUDE ! The thing is 2,500 BUCKS ! OMG DUDE!! YOU are NOW officially totally UN-RELATABLE !!! 😟 Even if I could afford that thang ! And even if I told my wife/kids about the whole ‘’ but it will help us bond more as a family ‘’ bit … wife would say 2,500 hundred F ‘ING BUCKS!!!???? If you really want us to bond….than DON’T make me DIVORCE YOU for spending 2,500 buck’s on ANOTHER STUPID LAWN MOWER !!!!! 🙅😂🤣😂 I really love your passion for lawn care but the line’s draws here ! 😂🤦🏼‍♂🤘🏻

  9. I haven't watched the video yet. I hope all the lawn YouTube guys get to try these out. Was thinking about getting one last year but not enough objective videos exists such that I could pull the trigger.

  10. My neighbor has a “Husqui” …. His lawn looks good. One piece of advise, TURN THE HEADLIGHTS OFF!! A new neighbor moved in and called the cops because they saw “flashlights” in his back yard…. Much hilarity ensued!!!!!

  11. Love the video and message you put in there about fatherhood. We can always do better as a father, husband and human being. This is part of why I have watched you for years.

  12. The 3rd reason was all we needed mate we all understand your working and you have a little army (family) that takes time and your still putting videos out that we all love, keep up the good work be the best dad you can be and if the we dont get videos as offen that's fine your a legend mate👍👍

  13. That group of dads seems like a cool group! I'm considering a automower for the backyard. I like reel mowing, but the hill up to the house is tough with the McLane. I love the idea, less time mowing, more time with family! Excellent video and explanation.

  14. Sweet mower Jordan! Your definetly in a position where you'll benefit from a robot mower. You'll still be able to mow on the weekends good old fashion style but I could definetly see this being a huge, huge time-saver during the week

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