Watch THIS Before Buying a Robot Mower

I hope you enjoy this overview and review of the Worx Landroid robot lawnmower.

It looks like they are out of stock on Amazon UK but the Gardena/Flymo products look to be very good as well – I would expect fairly similar performance from either brand.

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Cinematic Titles
0:29 Worx Landroid Range
0:58 Everyone is Cynical About Robot Mowers
1:50 How Do Robot Mowers Work?
2:45 How Reliable Are Robot Mowers?
3:28 Exclusions
4:22 Does Your Lawn Need to be Flat?
4:55 What Happens If The Wire is Cut?
5:27 Are Robot Mowers Totally Autonomous?
5:53 How Long Does It Take To Cut The Grass?
6:30 What Happens When It Rains?
7:14 Do Robot Mowers Collect Grass?
7:45 Do Robot Mowers Destroy Dog Toys?
8:09 Obstacle and Zone Avoidance Accessories
9:00 WiFi Coverage With a Mesh Network
9:22 Add a Sim Card To Your Robot!
9:45 Smartphone App
10:21 Battery
11:12 Positioning
11:23 The Setup Process
12:40 How Close Do Robot Mowers Get to The Edge?
12:55 Maintenance
13:30 How Do They Charge Up?
14:22 The Real Benefit To Robot Mowers!
15:17 The End Result
15:41 Subscribe For More!


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47 thoughts on “Watch THIS Before Buying a Robot Mower”

  1. I've had my Moebot robot mower for 18 months now and I love it. Significantly cheaper than the landroid, tho you choose the time and frequency (it won't try to self-suggest) but that's not a big issue.

    Things for newbies to consider:

    Get the model that suits your yard size. If they say it does 300sqm, don't try to use it on an acre! It is to do with the battery vs charging time ratio.

    Replace the blades once or twice a year (once should be plenty if you don't mow in winter).

    Slopes, esp if wet, can be an issue. Be conservative. If it says it can do a 35° slope, it will, but if that slope is running down to the boundary wire and it is damp, it can get stuck due to a lack of traction (or it might dig a hole, which over time can cause more problems).

    All in all they are great devices, and I definitely recommend a good robot mower. I've seen some (Stihl's imower) that leave awful track marks, and have a huge heavy blade like a traditional mower. I'd steer clear of those!

  2. For the Worx Landroid – if your perimeter wire is cut and you can't find the cut. You can use a portable AM radio to find the cut. Set the radio to ~700-720kHz and you will hear interference on the radio with the antenna of the radio being right next to the parameter wire. When the radio goes silent, you're either too far from your cable or you've found the cut.
    I suggest you start looking around the area that you made your most recent repair(s). If you don't find the cut in those areas, then start at the base station and walk the parameter.

  3. Very useful, I've just taken the step to automower world! My solution to not whipper snipping the edges is to spray Yates Zero weedkiller on the edges. Not as nice looking, but cuts out any labour, until I can think of a better way to automow edges.
    How do you automow the public nature strip?
    I might glue an Apple Tag in a hidden spot on the automower to find if stolen.

  4. Nice video. you can replace your wire closer than your terrace and you will not have to use other tools. Landroid can have a wheel on terrace, it doesn't create any problem.

  5. I also have had the Landroid for a year. It looks to me like your lawn is suffering similar consequences of using the Landroid that my lawn does. The grass at the boundary and the corners in particular get worn away. I can see that your boundaries are about 1/3 bare earth, 1/3 weeds and 1/3 grass. Prior to using the Landroid I had >90% healthy grass on the perimeter. Like you I had hoped it would be a time saver but once you factor in the setup and boundary wire adjustment time and the annual lawn renovation required to repair the damage, it's not at all worth it.

    The cause is that
    1) Landroid must follow the boundary wire to get to any zone
    2) because the razor blade cut so little area at a time, and due to the random pattern, it must go back and forth over the same area wearing out the grass
    3) in corners it must reverse and often when reversing it spins a wheel, digging up the grass leaving a bare patch

    My conclusion it the Landroid is fine for someone who doesn't care about the health of their lawn but is fine as long as it is kept short (or even bare).

    Reddit is full of Landroid owners trying to work around these issues by modifying their Landroid with weights or spikes on the wheels, or pegging chicken wire onto the lawn to avoid the digging damage.

  6. well, the half acre version barely keeps up with a quarter acre area, but i have a issue with my yard in a couple of places from sandy soil and it gets stuck about every time it goes out, the wheels will turn up the grass rather than turn it due to the weight of the unit and the sandy ground and what seems to be a rather horrible programed wheel turn ratio rather than using differentials, i still thinki it is better than manually mowing though.

    I have also had issues with the blades being dull but that part i think is my fault and ive been working to correct its area to avoid locations where sticks tend to be.

  7. The whole point of a robot mower is to be able to avoid regularly allocating time for manually cutting grass, however the problem with robot mowers in small town gardens like this one is that they can only do half the job. They do the easy bit of the job, by mowing the open area but then they leave the owner with the job of using a strimmer to do all the fiddly edges and internal corners.
    If you are going to spend time doing that you might as well have just cut all the grass yourself. If the owner still has to do regular gardening work, then that makes it not worth the money from my perspective. If they ever fix that issue, I'll buy one.

  8. Awesome review, one question though, do I really need to setup the wire, I have about 10K square feet of fenced yard, rectangular in shape and pretty much no obstruction. You mentioned that the mower uses that wire as a guide to go back to it's charging station?

  9. Hi nice presentation watched a few different videos online YouTube but there's no way I could leave the edges unkempt that's the only thing stopping me buying one , I cut my grass manually, so I feel with a robot mower I'd still be tending to it thanks

  10. awesome review, love that you take your time with thing, i could find no knockoff cheap content pumping on this channel, hope it stays this way, quality is great too!

  11. Your videos have a nice analytical approach and that's why I like them a lot! If you'll ever get a robot vacuum cleaner (or you already have one) it would be super nice to see a similar video about it! I'd recommend getting one with lidar since in my experience other approaches just don't work when it comes to navigating indoors (in terms of getting everything cleaned and how long it takes). Also waiting for more videos about keyboards 🙂 Thank you for making such amazing user experience related videos! Not everyone's cup of tea but I definitely love these!

  12. I don't have a garden but I have a robot vacuum and it's also mesmerizing to see it vacuum and mop. Although mine is not random at all, it has LIDAR and it maps the whole house and avoids collisions that way. Very very handy and an unbelievable time saver.

    And as others have said, check out the Open Mower project, yep.

  13. Looks like fun if you only have one lawn, it's at the rear of the house, and you're averse to fresh air and/or exercise. If you have lawns at both the front and rear, you'll either need two robots and risk the one at the front being stolen or else have a conventional mower for the front, which you may as well then use for the rear too since you have it. Similarly, if your lawn's divided by a path or driveway, or it's springtime and you don't want the mower blundering through the primroses, bluebells, celandines, cowslips, forget-me-nots, etc., a conventional machine's more useful — until Tesla comes up with an AI version anyway! 😉

  14. This channel is a stellar example of what YouTube is all about, great share. Super surprised they have a model that can do up to 1/2 an acre, that is really impressive.

  15. I have owned a similar one for a few years now but eventually stopped using it because I got a dog and somehow he digs and breaks the wire. It's as if he's attracted by the current… strange. but the cable is such a pain to setup… in a small garden I guess it's ok but mine is quite large so I started looking into the newer ones that use GPS to set boundaries but those are very expensive in comparison so will wait until they go down in price.

  16. Great video as always, you should check out the Open Mower project. Uses a raspberry pie and existing auto mower. You map out your yard by controlling it an then the mower goes in a line by line pattern while also circling market obstacles. I feel like it would be right up your alley!

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