Ambrogio Twenty ZR (no perimeter wire required)

An Ambrogio Twenty ZR robot lawn mower running in a garden. The ZR doesn’t need a perimeter wire but detects grass (or lack of it at the edges) and obstacles (such as trees or raised lawn edging). It can manage up to 1000 sq.m. (about a quarter of an acre).
Unfortunately this lawn has quite a bit of debris on it after the storms and is patchy in places but it gives an idea of how it works.
If you are thinking of a robot mower that doesn’t need a perimeter wire, read our blog.
To check if the edge of your lawn is suitable for the ZR, download the manual from the ZR page on our website and check page 10 onwards.

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6 thoughts on “Ambrogio Twenty ZR (no perimeter wire required)”

  1. If you have two sections of grass separated by a walk-way or some non-grass area, would you need to place it in each section manually?

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