BOSCH Indego S+400 Robo Mower Review

Could a robotic lawn mower save you time gardening? Garden Ninja tests out the BOSCH Indego S+400 robotic lawn mower to find out. See his lawn care tips …


14 thoughts on “BOSCH Indego S+400 Robo Mower Review”

  1. The Bosch Indego S+350 and S+400 are identical machines – but the 400 model has more wire supplied for a bigger area to be handled. The price difference can be significant, so do check the length of wire that you need. I enjoyed the video – thanks.

  2. Bonjour, je déconseille ce produit . Après moins de deux mois d'utilisation sur un terrain plat et simple, la tondeuse ne sait pas tondre les mauvaises herbes et se bloque souvent. Le rendu est tout simplement mauvais, la pelouse ne ressemble à rien. Le sav ne veut rien entendre et ne veut pas reprendre le robot. Dommage l'idée de la tonte en ligne était alléchante mais la fonction première reste de tondre convenablement et ce robot n'en est pas capable. je déconseille a qui que ce soit de l'acheter.

  3. How would this work if you have a front lawn and a back lawn but only 1 docking station? Can the mower be moved to mow a different area inaccessable to the charging dock?

  4. A surprisingly thoroughful and very well made video which helps me a lot to make the right decision on what robotic lawn mower to buy. Thank you very much for making sharing. Great job 🙂

  5. Hi Lee, a quick couple of questions please … I couldn't really detect the difference between 5cm and 3cm cut height. Are you sure it went to 3cm as I'm aware 3cm is actually very short? Second point is the mower appears to be going backwards and forwards in quite precise straight lines perpendicular to the long side of the lawn … is that true? I realise it may deliberately mow a different pattern 'next time' but it does appear in the video to follow parallel, overlapping lines? Sorry to be so techy – but keen to hear your response. Thanks heaps. Trevor

  6. Hi ya, Thanks so much for sharing this video. Love every single video you make, not only are you fantastic at what you do, you are happy go lucky and make your videos a pleasure to watch. Your such a nice lad. Keep up the excellent work. Terry, from Leicester.

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