6 thoughts on “I got the Robomow robotic mower working again”

  1. Well, is the Robomow still running this summer ?

    Also, just wondering what the original symptoms you had with the mower ?

    Mine is acting up randomly too..
    Backs out of the base station and seems to get lost and spins around in circles…
    Wire sensors seem OK.. but wish there was a good way to measure the signal strength..

  2. I cant comment on your lack of service, here in Sweden it is pretty good. But I was wondering, did you leave the charger head and loop connected during winter ? I had one die on me because of lightning, and I don't mean a direct hit, just the loop picking up energy via induction and just killing the head. Surge protectors are good to have..

  3. Glad you were able to work it out! You will find that the expectation is for you to noodle your way through these situations and DIY the repair – they can be fussy. The parts are expensive so I check in on ebay now and again to pick up spares (within reason – I will get to the point where it would pay to buy a different mower!) I like the Robo's with the 21 inch cutting width, I can't imagine how fast a mower with a 7 inch cut would need to move and recharge to cover your property! I keep my "waterproof" mower under a lightweight box to keep it dry (sprinklers, etc.) I'll make a garage for it one day. I've replaced the charge head, replacing the wheels and drive motors shortly. I had the robogrips but I blame them for the strain on the drive motors. My land is not as flat as yours but I have divided the mow range into two separate zones for the rear and would recommend that. It requires a separate head so I just unplug and move mine for now. The issue is more the signal strength – this is low voltage so the farther you run it, the more likely the signal is to drop off/weaken and allow your mower to go rogue. Looks like you're using a good wire, the black is less likely to degrade in the sun/elements than the green we all started with. I cut the front myself (I like my stripes ;o)

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